Pack 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the charter organization for Pack 4?

Holy Spirit Catholic Church is the charter organization for Cub Scout Pack 4. Prior to coming to Holy Spirit, Pack 4 was chartered at St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church for decades. Pack 4 is one of the oldest continuously operating Packs in the U.S.

Do we have to be Catholic to join?

NO! Pack 4 is open to all boys in grades Kindergarten-5th, regardless of church or school affiliation. We would love to have any family interested in joining in on the fun.

Who’s running this thing?

Cubmaster Sean McTear is dad to Declan (6th grade, Scout BSA), Finn (3rd grade, Bear), and John Wallace (Scout-in-training). He has been a member at Holy Spirit  Church since his Confirmation way back in 1997. After attending college at the University of Notre Dame and law school at the University of Alabama, he returned to Montgomery to work as a Montgomery County Deputy District Attorney and has been doing that ever since.

How much is this going to cost me?

12 whole months of Scouting will run you less than a 3-month season of sports!

BSA works hard to make sure Scouting stays affordable. Annual dues for Cub Scouting are only $80. This covers all national program registration, awards, patches, belt loops, religious emblem books, the basic Pinewood Derby car building kit, and a “Class B” uniform t-shirt. An optional subscription to Scout Life Magazine is available for $15. Manuals for the year cost about $16, and uniforms (hat, shirt, neckerchief, & slide) vary because some pieces can last multiple years, but are usually around $50. District programs like camp-o-rees and Scout Adventure Days are all optional and range from $20-$50 each.

How often are the meetings?

The whole Pack (Kindergarten-5th grade) meets once per month for Pack Meetings (Monday evening, 6:00 p.m.), where we play games, learn about our community, and present awards. Special events (campouts, fundraisers, etc.) happen about once per month. Den meetings are 1-2 times per month, depending on what’s needed to help Scouts advance to the next level.

Will my child be safe? I’ve heard some things…

Scouts BSA and the Mobile Archdiocese are both incredibly invested in ensuring the safety of your son while participating in Cub Scouts. Lions and Tigers MUST participate with an adult partner (parent/guardian) at every event. All our Pack 4 Leaders are subject to regular criminal background checks and take Scouts BSA Youth Protection Training annually. Additionally, as a program of Holy Spirit Church, our leaders are required to take, and annually recertify, in the Child Protection training offered by the Archdiocese of Mobile for parish staff/volunteers and school volunteers/substitute teachers.

As parents, Catholics, and lawyers, Sean and Kelly take the safety of our Scouts very seriously and follow all best practices and requirements for ensuring our Scouts have a caring, safe environment in which to learn and grow.

Does your Pack allow girl members?

At the moment, our Pack is an all-boy Pack. Scouts-BSA does include both boys and girls, and there are several Packs in the Montgomery area that are entirely co-ed or have separate dens for boys and girls.

Can I get involved in the fun?

YES! Cub Scouts is very family-centered. It’s not a drop-off type of activity, and younger siblings are welcome at most events. Since you’ll be there anyway, why not get involved as an adult leader?! We are always in need of Den Leaders, Assistant Leaders, and Pack Council Officers. Adult volunteers are background checked and complete both Archdiocese of Mobile Child Protection Training (you may already have done this for school) and BSA Child Protection Training (online). TONS of online resources and trainings are available to help you in any position you’d like to fill.

Can we register online?

Yes! You can register online by clicking this link. New members pay a $25 one-time registration fee and $80 for 12-months of Scouting. Annual dues of $80 will be due one year from your initial registration.

Adult leaders must register via a paper form. Pack 4 leaders can assist with the registration and certification process. Annual dues for adult leaders are $60. As an incentive, Pack 4 will pay for any associated event fees (campouts & council events) and training costs (BALOO, other training) for adult volunteers. If you are interested in being an adult volunteer, email Cubmaster Sean.