
The Cub Scout Program is a multifaceted way to help parents teach their children the skills and values that will make them into strong, healthy, successful and moral adults.

Meetings: Our Dens can meet whenever is mutually convenient for the members of each Den. At the moment, Den Meetings are scheduled for Monday evenings, the same night/time as our monthly Pack Meetings. You can typically expect one Den Meeting, one Pack Meeting, and an outing/activity each month.

Ranks: Each rank is developed to present age-appropriate levels of challenge to Scouts and allow them to grow and mature into upright and contributing members of their communities. Parents are intended and encouraged to participate in activities with their Scouts, to provide additional reinforcement and nuance to how these values and activities fit into the personal perspective and worldview of each individual family. Click below for additional information on each Rank’s Adventures.

Cub Scout Program | Boy Scouts of America

Religious Emblem: We use the Light of Christ (1st-2nd Grade) and Parvuli Dei (3rd-4th Grade) curricula and workbooks provided by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting for our Catholic Scouts to earn their religious emblem medals. We also work with Cub Scouts of other faiths to identify and complete the requirements for the religious emblem of their faith.

Visit the NCCS Website here: